Keur Design / Senegal, Dakar

The European Cultural Institutes EUNIC Senegal and the Delegation of the European Union (EU) in Senegal are supporting Senegalese design and know-how with the second edition of the KEUR DESIGN project.

I had the great opportunity of building a close collaboration with Mamadou Keneme and Djalo Djambe, they comes from traditional weavers family in Senegal. They learned how to weave with the traditional handloom Haal Pulaar.

Working with in particular Mamadou Kénéme was a great and enriching experience. Mamadou and Djalo Djembe (his assistant) were very generous, open to new dialogues, and to experiment with new ideas, materials and ways of doing textile. We learn a lot of each other, not only in work matters but also in a human level. I think it is very important to have this kind of encounters and exchanges between different points of view, backgrounds and practices.